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Mergermarket for Corporates

Stay up to speed with everything that matters.

Be informed of the latest developments in the industry as soon as they happen (if not before), while being able to search, profile and benchmark companies and fee information that will drive your decisions.

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Receive personalized intelligence alerts and reminders to ensure you get the best from Mergermarket and its many unique capabilities.

M&A Intelligence & Insights

Keep up to speed with all relevant market activity thanks to cutting-edge, forward-looking investigative journalism that identifies trends, monitors events with potential to move the markets and enables you to spot origination opportunities.

Sponsor Profile

Profile current and prospective sponsors with this reliable source of data covering portfolio trends, recent transactions, potential sales, bank relationships and more.

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Accelerate your strategy and source new opportunities with Mergermarket’s predictive, AI-powered M&A origination service.

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