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Generative AI Search

The Information you need, to the level you want, all from a single platform.

Prepare to make better informed decisions than the rest of the industry, thanks to our array of linked, searchable databases. Benchmarking M&A deals and profiling people or companies has never been easier, with the ability to drill down to granular levels of detail as needed.

Intelligent Search

Harness the power of AI to research segments, sectors, regions and deal parameters that interest you, with granular detail on bidders, buyers, advisors, multiples, deal values and more.

Company Profile

Learn everything you need to know about an entity or business with accurate, focused intelligence on financials, investors, secondary price movements, key event timelines and interactive data on deals and relationships.

Regulatory Intelligence

Access a treasure-trove of forward-looking data to help you forecast regulatory risk and identify factors that might impact dealmaking, from trends in competition law enforcement to links between global antitrust investigations and cross-border merger reviews.

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Search & intelligence

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Unlock new opportunities with our powerful tools

Human Insights

Exclusive investigative journalism and unparalleled insight from 300+ leading journalists and analysts ensure you win deals and stay ahead of industry trends. 

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ION Analytics is the hub for global capital market leaders. Leverage our Solutions and Events for market insights, deal discovery, transaction tracking, and profiling industry players.

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Predictive analytics

AI-driven predictive analytics to identify Private Equity-backed companies coming to market within 6-18 months. 

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